
Salesforce won’t let you lauch request from the same app browser.

To be able to lauch request without cors errors add this in nuxtconfig.js

http: {
      proxies: {
        '/proxy-path': {
          target: 'target-url',
          changeOrigin: true,
          secure: false,
          pathRewrite: { '^/proxy-path': '' },


Salesforce don’t allow request from localhost.

Now you’ll need to use a reverse proxy

  1. Install ngrok follow the setup
  2. Run your project on localhost
  3. In shell type ngrok http ‘your_localhost_port’. Note the Forwarding url (
  4. In salesforce : Setup → Security → Remote Site Settings. Add an new remote site


  1. You can now use your app on the forwarding url (, send request, and see your changes without having to deploy on an other instance.


Allowed Origins List

add the domain, for example

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Policy Settings

Manage Connected Apps

API (Enable OAuth Settings)